Staff Wellbeing in Schools | Debs Kemp

Published On: 10 October 2023

In this episode, guest Debs Kemp discusses the impact behaviour can have on staff wellbeing and practical ways to support staff, particularly in education settings.

Debs Kemp is an experienced Assistant Headteacher in the South East. She has extensive experience leading on behaviour, teaching and learning and student voice. She is also a regional lead for WomenEd, a group for women leaders in education in the Southwest region.

Debs recommends the book, A Little Guide for Teachers: Teacher Wellbeing and Self-care by Adrian Bethune and Dr Emma Kell.

Clare mentions that Dr Emma Kell has previously been interviewed for the My Family Coach podcast. You can find that episode here: How to Build a Strong Relationship with School. Debbie shares 3 tips during the episode:

Have a restorative conversation with a student before they come back into the classroom.

Communication is vital from SLT about what will happen with a student following an incident.

Provide an opportunity to have a voice and share- such as having a wellbeing group.

You’re listening to the Team Teach podcast. In each episode, you’ll catch Team Teach Principal Trainer, Clare Edmondson, talking with a guest about an aspect of behaviour. Find out the latest thinking in behaviour, continue your own professional development, and leave with three practical tips you can use in your setting. It’s perfect for any professional working in education and health and social care.