Straight into crisis: Supporting sudden escalations in behaviour

Published On: 4 June 2024

In this webinar we’re joined by host Dave Smallwood, experienced Principal Team-Teach trainer and behaviour consultant, to discuss behaviour that can seem to appear out of nowhere, because we’re not aware of the experiences a child or young person has had leading up to the moment and our interaction with them.

This can include sudden explosive outbursts or suddenly becoming non-responsive and we can’t understand the reasons behind the change in behaviour. We explore how seemingly minor previous experiences, before we see an individual, can have a cumulative effect, meaning that we may not see the build-up leading to crisis.

We also consider:

  • How small events, changes to familiar routines, and seemingly insignificant problems can build up having a cumulative impact on the emotions of an individual.
  • Ways we can support an individual through transition points, such as arriving at our settings, giving them opportunities to regulate and share their experiences.
  • What to do when you’re suddenly supporting an individual in crisis to reduce risk and keep everyone safe.